Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Adult Sex Toys by Samuel Hary

Who says you can't enjoy the carnal and sensuous physical pleasures without a partner? In the advanced revolutionary world, there is nothing as impossible even in this aspect. There are sex toys to take care of your desire that keeps you going crazy, panting, craving and still wanting more.

Out of a plethora available now, vibrators are very popular amongst all. So, it has been stylized into various shapes and sizes and of course with stimulating elements at the top to enhance the madness and help you to achieve the state of orgasm gradually, teasingly and slowly making the whole masturbation more exciting, going to pinnacle and taking out those busts of joy. Different types of vibrators like rabbit vibrator, mini vibrator, waterproof, novelty, mini vibrators and so on are easily available in the market. [read more on Sex Toys]

Monday, December 10, 2007

Vibrator or a Diamond by Rachel-Ann Bradley

Are diamonds really a girls best friend considerably have a read & then pay attention about it.

  1. What females ache? That is the question what do we demand, very well i will say a string of things but what is it that keeps us going. Is it material things, Love, independance or just a shag.
  2. Material things Do they actually make us happy or do they keep things ticking over, the thing that makes me laugh is the old saying diamonds are a girls very best friend surely what they should say is Diamonds are a girls very best friend if bought by someone more because lets face it there not cheap (easily not the ones i crave anyway).
  3. Love What is love? i have found always being a pain in the ass, why do we have to love someone to be with them why cant we just be friends & have sexual intercourse it is recipe for a great relationship. [more...]

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Best Sex Positions - and The Top Mistakes Men Make During Sex by Rod Phillips

We all want to make sex as good as it can be for our partners. But there's more to good sex than choosing the best sex position - you have to know which sex positions and techniques to avoid! So here is a list of things for men to avoid during sex, along with some advice about the best sex positions - the ones that will make sex great for both of you!

First Sex Position Mistake: Pushing your partner to do anything she isn't comfortable with. So, if you've been thinking of trying the outrageous sex positions adopted by some porn stars, forget it! Start from a more realistic place. Being comfortable for a woman involves two things: first of all, she has to be physically comfortable. That might mean she isn't going to feel too happy if you ask her to put her ankles behind her ears while you have sex. It might also mean that you have to avoid any position that gives you the deepest penetration, since your penis might bang her cervix and give her some serious discomfort. Second, she has to emotionally comfortable.So if you treat her like one of those porn stars, she isn't going to be too happy either, and you're not likely to be invited back to bed. This includes: wanting to ejaculate over her without her whole-hearted agreement, using dirty talk that is disrespectful to her, wanting to slap her butt if she isn't into it, and generally treating her like a sex object rather than a person. [more...]

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Kama Sutra's - Three Secret Positions for Maximum Pleasure by sacha tarkovsky

Most people think the Kama Sutra is just an ancient Indian sex which is partly true and we have covered these areas in other articles. Here however we will look at what the book is famed for the best Kama Sutra sex positions. Written thousands of years ago, the advice is still strangely appropriate in many ways to today's society and the sex positions below have never gone out of date..
There are many sexual positions described in the chapter covering the sexual union between couples, but there are three positions which were emphasized and noted as being better than all the others. These are known as the three secret positions.

Secret Position 1 - The Conch Shell and Crab
The woman is lying down on her back. The man raises her legs with her knees at 90 degrees to her upper body, and with her knees parted; the man will hook her feet over his thighs.
The man is on his knees, with his legs spread far apart (for stability) and he enters the woman in this way, his truck in perpendicular to the floor.
The man's hands will rest on the woman's breasts, fondling them, while he rocks her (no thrusting), causing an intense stimulation of her clitoris.
The position will drive the woman wild with pleasure, and fill her with love. The man finds this position intensely satisfying and soon arrives to an explosive orgasm and ejaculation. [ read more...]

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Is Your Cell Phone Killing Your Sex Life? by Terry Hernon MacDonald

Sure, cell phones offer brilliant advantages, but they also present users with problems. Chief among them: Making the user overly accessible. Employees tethered to bosses by cell phones report horror stories about being stressed, overworked, and misused. And many a love affair has been killed by wireless technology.

In the beginning of a relationship, it's tempting to talk to a new love as often as possible. Since most of us carry cell phones, it's possible to make a call whenever the urge strikes. And therein lies the danger.

Romance thrives on mystery. If you're on the phone with a new love more than once or twice a day, you're destroying it. The object of your interest never has to wonder how you're doing, where you are, or what you're thinking, because you're constantly letting him or her know. Before long, your relationship will become as enticing as old cheese. You'll get bored. Your once-loved one will get extremely bored. You'll both start looking for excitement elsewhere. [more...]

Monday, December 3, 2007

Are You Ready To Be Naughty? by Anthony McDay

If you have a weakness for sweetness; a sex toy is the honey that can help you and your lover discover that being naughty can be very nice. Keeping your passion alive and burning takes a little creativity at times, but that's no problem. When you want your partner to be a little more naughty, sex toys will be sure to get their attention.

Think about your lovers body, what turns you on? Now you are ready to have some fun selecting some great sex toys; a vibrator is the essential sex toy and one of the most versatile too. […more…]