Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Is Your Cell Phone Killing Your Sex Life? by Terry Hernon MacDonald

Sure, cell phones offer brilliant advantages, but they also present users with problems. Chief among them: Making the user overly accessible. Employees tethered to bosses by cell phones report horror stories about being stressed, overworked, and misused. And many a love affair has been killed by wireless technology.

In the beginning of a relationship, it's tempting to talk to a new love as often as possible. Since most of us carry cell phones, it's possible to make a call whenever the urge strikes. And therein lies the danger.

Romance thrives on mystery. If you're on the phone with a new love more than once or twice a day, you're destroying it. The object of your interest never has to wonder how you're doing, where you are, or what you're thinking, because you're constantly letting him or her know. Before long, your relationship will become as enticing as old cheese. You'll get bored. Your once-loved one will get extremely bored. You'll both start looking for excitement elsewhere. [more...]

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